
Yesu Ninakutolea – Papi Clever & Dorcas Ft Merci Pianist

Yesu Ninakutolea – Papi Clever & Dorcas Ft Merci Pianist Morning Worship 156;

Yesu Ninakutolea Lyrics

“Yesu, ninakutolea, moyo na maisha yangu, – Jesus, I offer you, my heart and my life
niwe mfuasi wako, Safi na mtakatifu. – to be your follower, Pure and holy

Mungu wangu, Mungu wangu, nitakase saa hii! – My God, my God, cleanse me this hour!

E’ Mwokozi, nitakase, unijaze pendo lako. – O Savior, purify me, fill me with your love
Na maisha yangu yote yawe yako, Bwana wangu! – May all my life be yours, my Lord!

Yesu Ninakutolea – Papi Clever & Dorcas Ft Merci Pianist video link

Ninataka kuheshimu wewe, Mkobozi mwema; – I want to honor you, good piercer
nifanane nawe, yesu, kati’ watu wa dunia! – Let me be like you, Jesus, among the people of the world!

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Nikikaa kimya kwako kama yule Mariamu, – If I remain silent to you like Miriam
nifundishwe nawe, Bwana, sitahangaika tena. – be taught by you, Lord, I will not worry anymore.

Tawi lake mzabibu, ulitunze na ‘safisha, – The branch of the vine, take care of it and ‘cleanse it
ili kwa uwezo wako litaza’ matunda mengi! – so that by your power it will bear’ many fruits! ”

Ahadi Zote Za Mungu Wetu – Papi Clever & Dorcas Ft Merci Pianist

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