
Why Over 25 is Trending

Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie, Kenyan YouTubers who founded the popular channel ‘Over 25,’ have announced their split after 7 years. The four content creators sat down for a “final curtain call,” saying that this was their final video together.

The founders took part in the 55-minute movie to reflect on the 7-year journey and how the channel, which was launched nearly a decade ago, affected them as a group and individually.

Watch “Final Curtain Call” HERE

“Almost to the day, this video marks 7 years of us: Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie, creating content on this channel. Using our life experiences as friends, sisters, working women, and mothers, we poured our hearts and souls into Over 25 where we connected, grew, and celebrated with our audience – boy did we love it! It has not been an easy decision to make but as Over 25, we now feel that it is time to take a step back and figure out WHO we are now seven years since we started this journey.

In this time, we have had marriages, babies, career changes, break-ups, make-ups, graduations, birthdays, and even final goodbyes; as happens with many things in life, sometimes you need to pause and regroup. Is this the end? We cannot say for sure. Will we be coming back? Possibly. Just not right now.”

Although they would not rule out the prospect of reuniting in the distant future, the creators indicated that the winds of change had compelled them to take a step back. They didn’t get into specifics concerning their breakup, other than to state that a lot had changed while they’d been together.

The creators who have dabbled in products (watches and apparel) asked their fans to consider purchasing the last phase of their merchandise.

Despite their popularity as co-creators, the four ladies also produce a wide range of content on their individual channels.

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