
Why Jackie Maribe Is Trending

Jackie Maribe, a former television news presenter who is accused of killing Monica Kimani, admitted in court on Thursday that she first learnt of the businesswoman’s passing while watching the news report on TV.
She testified before trial judge Grace Nzioka that on the evening of September 19, 2018, when Monica was allegedly brutally murdered, she had been conducting interviews at the Royal Media Services studios up until about midnight. After that, she and her visitors, Juliet Julie, alias Juju, Chelangat Ruto, and Anita Thumbi, left the business’s premises.

Former governor of Nairobi Mike Sonko joined the group after they left. She claimed that they stayed in the club till 4 a.m.
She further stated in court that she didn’t have a car that evening.

She informed the court, via her attorney Katwa Kigen, that she shared a residence at Lang’ata’s Royal Park Apartments at the time with the first accused, former lover Joseph Irungu alias Jowie. She claimed that he would pick her up and drop her off at work using her car, and that he kept the car at all other times.

Prior to Monica’s death being found, Jowie was reportedly seen leaving her Kilimani house in the automobile, according to police. According to Maribe, “After dropping me at my workplace he would go and I did not have control of the vehicle after that.”

Additionally, she admitted that she had no knowledge about the late Monica Kimani’s residence. She further informed the court that she did not take part in or observe any clothing burning by Jowie outside her residence.

“Is it your evidence to this court that you know nothing about the killing of Monica?” Kigen questioned her.

“I know nothing about the death of Monica and I did not kill her. I learnt about her death when I was reading a news bulletin. I urge this court to acquit me,” Maribe pleaded for her release from the court.

After the defense session was over, Justice Nzioka gave the attorneys representing Jowie and Maribe, Prof. Hassan Nandwa and Kigen, instructions to submit written arguments.

On June 26, 2023, she put the matter for mention so that the parties might make any last-minute arguments before she decided when the verdict would be delivered.

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