
Eregi Girls

Health and education officials in the Western Region refused to close the Eregi Girls High School on Tuesday, despite an outbreak of an unusual ailment that had infected 95 students by last night, stating they had taken preventive measures to prevent the disease from spreading.

This came after some parents were granted permission to remove their children from school after some students went on a rampage, vandalizing government vehicles.

According to Jared Obiero, the Western Region Director of Education, some parents insisted on accompanying their daughters home, provoking several girls to get rowdy and begin hurling stones at government officials who were present at the school.

Dr. Steven Wandei of Kakamega County Medical Services warned the deadly sickness may take out a whole family if not properly controlled.

On Monday night, at least 62 kids were hospitalized to several hospitals in Kakamega County after getting the ailment.
This comes after three students and a teacher died as a result of the disease, which erupted at Mukumu Girls High School in April of this year.

It is still unknown what is afflicting Western Region schools after more than 500 students from Mukumu Girls and 100 boys from Butere Boys were hospitalized as a result of the outbreak.

The majority of Eregi Girls’ afflicted students are in Forms One, Two, and Three, with Western Regional Director of Education Jared Obiyo announcing 48 instances in Form One, 39 cases in Form Two, 15 cases in Form Three, and 1 case in Form Four out of a total enrolment of 1,684.

Twenty people have been admitted to Iguhu Level Four Hospital, 30 to Kakamega County General Hospital, 31 to Mukumu Mission Hospital, and 14 to Shibwe Sub-county Hospital.

Others have been detained in the school sick room, where they are being watched by school and county health experts, according to authorities.
This comes amid concerns that some of the students feigned illness in order to avoid sitting for end-of-year exams.


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