
Nimekuona – Papi Clever & Dorcas

Nimekuona Lyrics

“Siku yahuzuni namateso – The day of sad and suffering
Nilikuita Nikakuona eeh Mungu – I called you and I saw you Oh God
Nikomaah nikakuta wakisema – When I grownup, I found them saying
Kuwa oko Mungu unaishi mahalipote eeh Mungu – that you are omnipresent, Oh God
Nimekuona mchana nausiku nikuona eeh Mungu – I have seen you day and night, Oh God
Usiku wamanane Nilikuita ukanisikia eeh Mungu – At midnight I called you and you heard me oh God

Nimekuona – Papi Clever & Dorcas Video link

Sitokuacha kamwe Yesu wangu – I will never leave you my Jesus
Nimekuona – I have seen you
Hakuna Awezaye kukusema vibaya – No one can say bad things about you
nikiwa – when I am present
Nimekuona – I have seen you

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Nitakuimbia zaburi natenzi zaroho eeh Mungu – I will sing you psalms and spiritual songs oh God
Nitumie kinanda Nebelu nikusifu vile ulivyo – Send me the Guitar and trumpets to praise you as you are
Hauchoki kutenda mema eeh Mungu – You never get tired of doing good, O God
Ndiyo tabia yako utatubeba hadi mwisho eeh Mungu – That’s your character, You will carry us to the end oh God

Nimekuona – I have seen you
Nimekuona – I have seen you
Nimekuona – I have seen you
Nimekuona – I have seen you”

Nimekuona – Papi Clever & Dorcas

Yesu Ninakutolea – Papi Clever & Dorcas Ft Merci Pianist

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