
Itura Ria Nineveh – Ruth Wa Mum

Itura Ria Nineveh is a song by Ruth Wa Mum, which is a prayer to God to deliver us from painful seasons in life.

Ruth Wa Mum’s voice is powerful and emotive, and she sings with a lot of passion and conviction. The lyrics are heartfelt and sincere, and they express a deep longing for God’s help and guidance during difficult times.

Itura Ria Nineveh – Ruth Wa Mum video link

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Overall, “Itura Ria Nineveh” is a beautiful and moving song that speaks to the human experience of pain and suffering, and the hope and faith that sustain us through it all. Ruth Wa Mum’s powerful voice and heartfelt lyrics make this song a must-listen for anyone who is going through a difficult season in life.

Ugutura Wi Ngai – Ruth Wa Mum

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