
Eka Ngwinie – Justus Myello

Eka Ngwinie is a song by Justus Myello, a Kenyan gospel artist. The song is a praise and worship song that celebrates God’s goodness and faithfulness. The song has a catchy melody and a lively rhythm that makes it easy to sing along. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, but they convey a powerful message of gratitude and adoration to God.

Eka Ngwinie – Justus Myello video link

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Eka Ngwinie is a song that can uplift anyone who listens to it. It is a song that expresses the joy and peace that come from knowing God. It is a song that showcases the talent and creativity of Justus Myello, who is among the most popular gospel artists in Kenya.

Mwikali – Justus Myello

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