
Who is Maverick Aoko?

Maverick Aoko is loved and despised in equal measure for her daring approach to societal issues. Women despise her for constantly calling them out on their phony lifestyles.

She is, however, a man’s darling because she always and zealously supports their motions.

  • She was born in Kisumu County.


  • She is not only active on Twitter, but she has previously worked with major brands such as Standard Group, for whom she wrote articles.


  • Scophine Aoko Otieno is her real name, not Maverick, as she refers to herself on social media.


  • Aoko was almost kidnapped in 2016 because of her desire to change society. This was after she exposed some Migori government employees during a corruption investigation into the devolved government.


  • Her elder brother, Jectone Oyoo, is also a seasoned writer, so she comes from a family of writers. We must acknowledge Aoko’s bravery. She says what many people want to say but lack the courage to say.


  • Ex-CAS David Osiany threatened to sue her for claiming she had previously dated Osiany.
Who is Maverick Aoko
Maverick Aoko

Here’s her Tweet on the matter;

Aoko has been trending on Twitter for the better part of the day and the conversation got heated up attracting a lot of attention from KOT.

Follow her Twitter account for more; @AokoOtieno_

Also Read; Pastor Mckenzie Cult

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Twitter Account for Aoko has been disabled



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