Local Music

Waithaka wa Jane na Joy wa Macharia Round 3 New Mugithi

Waithaka wa Jane and Joy wa Macharia are back with their third round of mugithi session on Coro FM, and they do not disappoint. The duo delivers a lively and entertaining show that features a mix of classic and modern Mugithi songs, as well as witty banter and interaction with the listeners.

Watch Waithaka wa Jane na Joy wa Macharia Round 3 New Mugithi video Here.

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The show is a perfect way to unwind and enjoy some good music and humor after a long day. Whether you are a fan of Mugithi or not, you will find something to appreciate in this show. Waithaka wa Jane na Joy wa Macharia have a great chemistry and a knack for making their audience feel part of the fun.

Waithaka Wa Jane Mugithi Mix

Joy Wa Macharia – Mwanake Ucio

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