Local Music

Umbi Umbi – Kamoko

Umbi Umbi is a song by Davy Kamoko, who released it in June 2023. The song is a catchy and upbeat tune that blends elements of Mugithi, pop, afrobeat and nursery rhymes. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, but they convey a message of joy and celebration. The song is inspired by a popular children’s rhyme in Kenya that goes “umbi umbi no umbi umbi… ” The song has a playful and humorous tone that appeals to both kids and adults. The song also features some traditional instruments such as the nyatiti and the kayamba, which add to its authenticity and richness. The song is a refreshing and fun addition to the Kenyan music scene, and it showcases Kamoko’s talent and creativity.

Umbi Umbi – Kamoko video link

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