Kenyan Music

G Baga Jat – Gotta City x Stoopid Boy

G Baga Jat by Gotta City x Stoopid Boy, Lyetin, and Dalo Yoyo is a vibrant and energetic track that blends contemporary melodies with a touch of nostalgia. The song opens with an infectious beat that immediately grabs your attention. The fusion of modern sounds and the essence of the classic “Sexy Lady” beat (originally popularized by Shaggy) creates an exciting vibe.

G Baga Jat – Stoopid Boy x Lyetin x Dalo Yoyo video link

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The artists’ synergy is evident as they seamlessly flow over the rhythm, delivering catchy hooks and memorable verses. Stoopid Boy, Lyetin, and Dalo Yoyo bring their A-game lyrically. Their verses are a mix of swagger, confidence, and street storytelling.

Buruklyn Boyz – Germany

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